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I Hope everyone is staying in and keeping safe – in doing so protecting our incredible NHS and frontline workers.

From the safe space of my home studio, I’ve been so moved, as I’m sure many of you have, by the selfless acts of kindness and dedication from our NHS and frontline workers.

I started writing a few lines down to express my appreciation and that quickly turned into a verse and a chorus. I wanted to share this with you in the hope that you’ll then be able share it with someone you know that deserves our gratitude.

This is just a small thanks to each and every one of these people…..The fathers, mother’s, sisters, brothers and all those we know and love who are out there risking their health to keep up safe and save lives.

We can all do our bit by staying home, but to those that can’t stay at home – the many on the frontline against this fight… thank you.